5 Simple Things You Should Do If You Can’t Focus On Studying

Studying in college is not as easy as it may sound; you have a lot of battles to face and a lot of work to do which at the end of the day, you may not be able to do other things that you find joy in.

One of the ways I have survived as a student is by making sure I take time to do those things I love doing, mostly playing video games with friends. I can play video games 5  hours a week and then dedicate the rest to studies and other outdoor activities.

There are other ways many deal with this, as we are all built differently. However, not all college students have the luxury to figure out what works for them and how they can deal with focusing on their studies for a good grade.

Many students are tucked in a loop where they can’t find a way to escape, which poses a risk of not being fulfilled as a student and not getting the nice grades you should.

It doesn’t mean you are not intelligent or not smart; it is just how you figure things out for yourself.

Today, I will guide you through how to do these things for yourself so that at the end of your college program, you will count yourself as one who has learned and implemented various expectations of life into practice.

If you apply these 5 ways, you will study and focus more on studies than another secondary thing that takes aways the time you need to spend on positive things.

1. Identify The Things That Makes You Lose Focus

The first step to solving any problem is to first figure out the cause of that problem and then proceed to fix it.

There are different things that make different people lose focus,  you need to look inward at where you have that problem and then now work  on taking care of it

Once you have identified this problem, is time for you to work hard so that it will be fixed. Once its fixed as required, you have solved your problem.

2. Make Friends With LikeMinded People

Friends have made many people, but your kind effort matters a lot. Some make friends with people that don’t really know their left from right, while others make friends with people they are not compatible with.

You are not the only one who loves a certain thing, some other people do and derive joy in them when you make friends with those kinds of people, you will see that your life becomes better, you can channel that energy with your friends to focus more on your studies.

In some ways, that can backfire by distracting you from your goal when you and your new friends focus more on the negative part rather than the positive.

So as you want to focus more, make friends with people who also want to do that so you all will find strength and courage in each other.

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3. Minimize Your Phone Usage

Since the invention of smartphones, it have brought both positive and negative things into our lives. Many who use smartphones for work or to make a little money can be categorized as people who are using it for their benefit of and for the reason it was invented.

Others use the same smartphone to watch short videos and stream movies, which can be addictive. If you want to focus more on studies,  you need to reduce your usage of smartphones drastically and also make sure you use those times for something very positive.

The best way to minimize your phone usage is through discipline, if you do not have that, cultivate it into your day-to-day activities, and you will see yourself focusing more on studies than other things.

4. Attend Lectures Regularly

So many students do not find lectures worthy of attending. This students have already focused the reason the started college and why they must finish with good grades.

When you start skipping lectures, you get used to it so much so that it doesn’t even bother if you have skipped a whole week of lectures.

Start improving your lecture attendance, and watch as you learn. Practice going to lectures 4 days a week, then improve to 5 days a week. You can apply extra lectures that will help boost your learning and help you recover the ones you have missed already.

5. Take extra Classes

Taking extra classes has been found to help boost the ability of students who sometimes find it difficult to focus on their studies.

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You need to start taking extra classes on your own and practice whatever you are taught there. That way you will be able to beat the distractions that may stop you from focusing more on your studies.

Extra classes are great and can not be understood or estimated in any way. You may register for one online or you may need to find anyone close to you.


If you will apply those simple 5 ways to help yourself to focus more on studies, don’t thing you have any more problems to worry about.

You will study and pass with good grades. Nothing makes a student happy than seeing a high grade after each session of the school.

Do not procrastinate day you take your studies seriously as it may never come, but stand up today and take charge of your studies because no one will do that for you.

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